Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Playing The Bass Guitar

- By: Ian Williamson, [Summary]

Playing bass is plain and simple, just play the music from the heart, feel the piece and let the listeners enjoy the melody. Here are a few basic tips that could help beginners.

Make a decision about the bass sound to be played. Will it be like a real smooth bass player or just a machine going wild over the sound? It will depend on the rhythm you want to use.

It’s not against the rule to do some personal experiments. Move the track forwards or backwards to see which sounds better. A 2 or 3 millisecond in increments can be used in audio. When the bass is ahead, the drums can sound far behind but if the bass is left behind, the drums may sound “burning”.

Shorter notes sound better than the long ones if a bass part of the audio is “pitched”. Edit some notes taken from other parts of the song to fit them into a totally different phrase. The melody is still familiar but with a different cut because it was inserted on a different line.

Leave some space in the bass part of the song. Notice that famous bass players put emphasis on holes when they try to emphasize a feeling of pressure into the sound. It leaves the listener’s ear hanging in anticipation and then satisfying them just a few beats later.

Avoid making bass melodies that can cause difficulties when playing and playing will not be as enjoyable. Some parts of the bass can be very attention grabbing especially if the rhythm is extremely fast. The trick is keeping the frets static until the melody changes. Like playing drums, bass can be recurring as well, so manage to break lines and chords for some variety. It is not bad to go back to the first simple bass chords just to avoid having a “wreck” with the sound at the end.

The inspiration for playing to suit the bass chords depends on the way the song is played. Sounds with more bass melodies are best heard when the notes are kept higher. Never hesitate to edit notes so that they are comfortable to play. The best advice is to listen to the edited bass chords and be decisive on the good and/or the bad timing. Remember that too much of a good thing can turn out badly, the same with playing bass, when exaggerated, it could ruin the whole piece. A little highlighting on the initial beat of a song’s phrase can do the trick. Enjoy playing!

For More Information on Bass Guitar by Ian Williamson please visit http://www.real-articles.com/Category/Guitar/96

Monday, June 14, 2010

Speed Builder Finger Excersice

This speed builder will build on Exercise 2: Speed Builder #1. The figure from Exercise 2 is shown below in Figure 1. This exercise will work with your picking hand as well as your fret hand by using all the combinations of downstrokes and upstrokes. This will be shown in Figure 2 with the traditional symbols for downstroke () and upstroke (V). To do this exercise, you will play Figure 1 like you did in Exercise 2, but you will use the stroking patterns shown in Figure 2.

Example: In Figure 2, pattern 6 ( V V), you use a downstroke then an upstroke then another downstroke then another upstroke. So you would play Figure 1, pattern 1 (1-2-3-4), by playing fret 1 with a downstroke, fret 2 with an upstroke, fret 3 with a downstroke, then fret 4 with an upstroke. You would then repeat this for all the patterns in Figure 1.

If you have time, play Figure 1 using all the patterns in Figure 2, this will truly give you a good workout for speed and endurance.

Friday, June 11, 2010

I love Spanish Guitar

Variety of struming and plucking in spanish guitar skill..

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Amazing Guitar Player- Upside Down

I found this women in youtube, she just awesome guitar player.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Simple Classical

Here is the Air classic by beginer.. enjoy!!

Speed Picking Lesson

Here is the Speed Picking Lesson, by Kriss, credit to him for usefull knowledge and fun and easy lesson


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